Ever seen toothpaste advertisements where everyone sports a perfect smile of pearly whites and wondered if it was their actual teeth? Everyone loves having a perfect smile, zero gaps and no discoloration but is it possible. A person’s smile is their unique feature and no smile is bad.
However, some could be improved through dental work or just everyday tips that improve the health and overall look of your teeth. Since a smile is the first impression you make, it must look as great as possible. Below are tips on how to overcome discoloration and uneven teeth.

Bleaching/ Crowning
Discoloration is a common dental issue we all face. It could be due to oral health, genetics or food we consume. Although it is quite natural it does tend to look unappealing and can affect self-confidence. However, this is no reason to stress. Discoloration can be easily fixed through the process of teeth whitening or crowning.
Teeth whitening products are widely available that can be used at home or from a dentist. It usually is a bleaching chemical and a dentist’s advice and recommendations are crucial. The other procedure is known as crowning which acts as a cover over the teeth. It covers discoloration and protects teeth that are weak and prone to breaking. This procedure requires a dentist but works great if weak teeth and discoloration is insecurity you need a remedy for.
A veneer is known as a thin covering laid over something to cover up or improve look. For teeth, it is layering that is put over teeth to ensure an aesthetic smile. It is made to look natural but requires the scraping over some of the enamel of teeth. Two types of veneers are normally used.
The porcelain veneer is made of a material that mixes with the natural enamel and is in no way harmful for your teeth, in fact the material acts as a shield to protect teeth. However, if you are looking for composite veneers Sydney has many dentists that can carry out the procedure. Unlike porcelain, composite is an engineered resin made to match your natural teeth covering the front of the tooth.

Uneven teeth are extremely common and many people go through a period of wearing braces regardless of age. The usual age to make corrections is from 15 to around 18 but there is no hard and fast rule for it. Braces are metal studs attracted to a wire that aligns and correct teeth over a period of time. It is the most commonly used method for teeth correction. The length of use depends on the level of correction.
Missing teeth can look unappealing; it can be due to weak teeth or extractions. The implants are used to fill in the gaps and are made to look as natural as possible. However, it does require frequent care as they are made of strong materials but do not have the same strength as teeth would have.